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Last Call Page 5

  She ground her teeth together. It was a damn good thing he didn’t get anything out of her. Other than a few orgasms.

  Kevin offered to treat her to pancakes at the local greasy spoon before they picked up her car at the Ranger. It only took a few hours to pack the last load of her belongings into the tiny storage pod.

  When they took the desk down the flight of stairs, Joanne saw that Eric really had cleaned up her neighbor’s patio, and Linda was none the wiser.

  She smothered the smile. It didn’t prove anything. So he liked to play with hoses. Big surprise. By the time she fell onto Kevin’s couch that night, Joanne’s world was sufficiently new.

  Monday, she’d start the hunt for a new job. And a new life.

  Eric drained his beer and signaled the bartender for another. He’d long since tuned out Calloway’s monologue detailing every hour of the last shift.

  Forty-eight on, ninety-six off. Sounded good in theory, but of eight calls, six of them had come in during down time. For all the complainers out there who say firefighters get paid to sleep, they should try a forty-eight hour shift and see for themselves. Now, rather than head home to get some sleep, he found himself accepting an invitation to the Ranger for a beer.

  Of all places.

  “I swear to God, that homeowner yesterday should have been ticketed, don’t you think, Layton?” Calloway threw a handful of peanuts into his mouth, dropping a good portion on the floor. “That place was a freaking death trap. If we get a call to that address again while I’m on duty, I’m liable to tell the chief to fuck off.”

  “Yeah right. I’d pay to see that.” Eric picked a peanut out of the bowl and, as he chewed on it, realized Joanne was right. They were stale. Damn it. He tried to forget about her, and she popped into his thoughts as if she belonged there. He shoved the bowl away.

  Calloway took another handful. “What about that new dispatcher, huh?” He nudged Eric in the ribs. “Charles said he saw her at the Yellow Lounge last weekend with a woman. I guess she was all down her throat and shit.” He grunted. “I’d like to get in on some of that action, if you know what I mean.”

  Picturing any two women with the lumbering Steve Calloway—naked—made Eric shudder. Calloway went on about the rumored lesbians, uncaring that his audience was less than enthralled.

  Eric rubbed his jaw and winced. The bruise had faded from a dark purple to an ugly grey-green, but he could swear that the pain had soaked through to his bone. He didn’t mind. He deserved it and maybe more. He didn’t blame Kevin one bit.

  Calloway belched and propped his beefy forearms against the scarred bar. “You know who’s afraid of the chief, don’t ya? That Jackson kid. God, that’s funny as fuck, watching him kiss ass. I sure as shit never did that when I was a probie…”

  Probie. Calloway’s voice turned into white noise as thoughts of Josie filled his mind. Coming here was a bad idea. The chances of her showing back up inside the dive were slim to none, so subjecting himself to it was idiocy. Of course she wouldn’t be there on an early Thursday evening. Still, he couldn’t help but look at the door every time it opened, and when he’d seen the jar of promotional pens on his way in, he couldn’t resist helping himself to a yellow one. Just in case.

  In case what, Layton? She obviously wants nothing to do with you. She let her brother drag him out by the scruff of his collar without a word. She didn’t even follow them outside to ask for his side of the story.

  Whenever Eric thought about that Saturday morning, he remembered her face, so full of the pain of betrayal. That expression kept his mouth shut then, and it even had prevented him from calling her over the past six days.

  Hell, he’d made sure she wouldn’t have any regrets, and she probably didn’t. She’d probably already made peace and moved on. He needed to quit thinking about her and do the same. Chances were he’d never see Josie again.

  “Swear to God. If they don’t replace those fucking BAs next fiscal year, I’m going straight to the mayor. I’m surprised no one’s suffocated trying to breathe through one of those goddamned pieces of junk. If the AC doesn’t care, he can go to hell.”

  The assistant chief was one of the few guys on the crew that really didn’t give a shit, but Eric wasn’t about to agree with Calloway. It would only spur him on. Eric’s phone vibrated in his pocket. Thank God. Anything to interrupt Calloway’s droning. He held up a finger to the guy and flipped open his phone.



  He spun around on his stool, focusing on the flashing lights of the jukebox. “Josie?”

  She laughed. “Yeah, it’s me. This is Eric Layton, right? Do I have the right number?”

  Eric grinned, ignoring the dull pain the movement caused his jaw. “If you’re trying to reach me this time, then yeah, this is the right number. How are you?”

  “I’m fine. How are you doing? I mean, I’m so sorry about what Kevin did.”

  “Kevin is a good brother. If I had a sister, I’d do the same.” Two girls at the end of the bar were doing body shots, much to the enjoyment of the group of men watching. Eric covered the phone and walked out the door.

  “You sound busy,” she said. “Why don’t I call you back later?”

  “No,” he barked, then softened his voice. “I mean, no, that’s fine. Just having a drink after work with one of the guys.”

  “You’re not drunk, are you? Need a ride home?”

  He caught a glimpse of his reflection in a storefront window. He looked like a sap. He wiped the grin off his face and spun around to face the street before it reappeared. “Yeah, I just might need a ride. You offering?”

  “Well, I do owe you, and it just so happens that I’m sober and available. Where are you?”

  Eric’s heart thumped in his ears. “I’m at this place called the Ranger. It’s a real dive. The peanuts are stale, but they have free pens.”

  “Oh God, I can’t believe you’re there.” She laughed. “I’ll have to pick you up on the corner. I don’t want to embarrass myself.”

  “You won’t take advantage of me, will you?”

  “Hm. I’m not going to promise anything.” And she disconnected.

  On the way back inside, he talked his erection down. He’d lost his barstool to an overweight man—a plumber, from the amount of ass cleavage—but he was able to find Calloway, who’d attached himself to one of the cops in district three.

  He had barely paid his tab and walked outside before she pulled up to the curb.

  She leaned over the passenger seat as the window rolled down. “Are you the drunk that needs a lift?”

  She looked gorgeous. Her hair seemed to shine beneath the neon signs, and her smile lit up the interior of the car. Eric leaned into the window, reached into his pocket and pulled out the yellow pen.

  “Oh my.” She laughed. “I can’t believe it!” She took it from him and hugged it against her chest. “Thanks. My collection is complete.”

  He reached for the door but stopped short, his smile fading. “I don’t suppose your big brother is hiding behind a tree waiting for a reason to take another shot at me?”

  “Of course not. He’s the one who told me to quit moping and call you. I explained everything.”

  He got in and buckled up, then turned to stare at her.

  Her eyes were just as busy, and she smelled like that peachy soap from her shower. He ached to reach out to touch her but curled his hand into a fist to maintain focus. “Look. I want to explain.”

  She held up a hand. “You don’t have to. I dialed the wrong number. It took me about twelve hours to realize that you could have left me at the Ranger. You had no obligation to a drunk stranger on the phone.” She reached over and took his hand. “But you came anyway.”

  “I swear, I didn’t plan on anything happening. I was just going to drop you off at home and drive away.”

  “I know. I was the one begging you to stay. And I’m responsible for everything that happened after that.”

/>   “I never actually lied—”

  “Thank you for that, Eric.”

  “—but I should have told you the truth.”

  “You told me your name.” She shrugged. “I still called you Joe.”

  He turned his hand over, threading his fingers through hers, so cool and soft compared to his. “I’ve always wanted a nickname.”

  She smiled, then let her gaze drop to his lap. “Where to, Joe?”

  Eric’s cock swelled. “You could tuck me in?”

  With a naughty grin, she put the car in reverse.

  Eric threw her panties aside, and they landed on the rest of their discarded clothing on the floor of his bedroom. His eyes busily studied every move of her body as she stretched atop his sheets.

  “Fucking beautiful.”

  She twirled one finger around her navel, moving sensuously to keep his attention. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot.”

  “You have?” He rolled on a condom before he moved between her legs and took over for her finger. “Good stuff, I hope.”

  “The extra-good stuff when I’m alone.” She pushed her fingers through his hair. “I spent one afternoon imagining how you must look in your uniform.” She bit her lip as that image again played through her mind. What woman wasn’t a sucker for a man in uniform? “Maybe all dressed in that firefighting outfit, whatever you call that…”

  “Turnout gear? That’s not sexy, it’s bulky as hell.” He inched lower.

  “You’re bulky as hell, but I still think you’re sexy.”

  “If you’re good, I’ll model them both for you.” His tongue dipped into her sex, and she arched against him.

  “I’ll be good.” She bit her lower lip as his warm mouth covered her, sucking and licking over each fold.

  “You taste good.”

  She tightened her fingers in his hair and leaned up to watch. “And you…ah…are good at tasting.” His dark head moved between her legs, both hands pinning her thighs to the bed, denting her skin. She panted his name, and when he looked up at her, she groaned with lust. Releasing his scalp, she cupped her breasts and took her nipples between her fingers.

  His moan rumbled through her sex, and he held her gaze while he drank her desire. He pushed two fingers inside her and twisted, fucking her with his hand and mouth. She sawed her legs against his shoulders, then wrapped them around his back, pinching his face between her thighs.

  Tendrils of heat spiraled from her scalp to her womb, tightening the pressure until he tantalized her clit with the tip of his tongue. Quick strokes that contrasted the long, twisting draws from his hand down below, and he didn’t let up until the barrier broke. Waves of pleasure rushed over her, centered on her core and radiated to the tips of her toes. By the time he brought her gently down, she’d drawn blood from her lip.

  “Very, very good.” He kissed his way up her stomach, spent his time with each breast, then her neck before whispering all of the delicious things he wanted to do to her.

  “Eric. Please.”

  He slid inside her and covered her mouth with his, smothering her shout of pleasure. He filled her and stroked her swollen entrance. She grabbed his ass, loving the way it tightened with each thrust.

  He tangled their legs and rolled onto his back, bringing her astride him. “Ah, now I can play.” He tweaked her nipples.

  Joanne grasped his forearms and rode. Grinding and undulating her hips, she found a rhythm that made his stomach ripple and his eyes roll back in his head. She brought one of his hands to her mouth and sucked his middle finger deep. He cussed, then threw his head back and bucked his hips up into her rocking pelvis.

  He pulled his finger from her mouth and painted his saliva on her tight bundle of nerves.

  “Come on my cock. I want to feel you lose it all over me.”

  His coarse words sent a thrill down her spine. She rose and fell on his staff, riding his hand until the familiar quickening rushed through her veins. She dropped onto his chest and flicked her hips in a quick humping until her orgasm finally broke free. Her walls clamped around him, sucking and pulling his pleasure from him.

  He kissed her, licking all around her tongue and lips, then used both hands on her hips to stop her movements as he surged inside her, pumping his release with a shuddering sigh.

  He wrapped his arms around her back, breathing hard into her ear. “I’m so glad you misdialed, Josie,” he whispered.

  “Actually, I think I finally got the right number.”

  About the Author

  Olivia Brynn is the very saucy alter ego of romance author Alanna Coca. Olivia was the one who lured Alanna into trouble as a child. She also would have been the one to get her mouth washed out with soap. Since controlling Olivia wasn’t as easy as she thought, Alanna decided to set her alter ego free with Olivia’s first book, For a Price, a story about one woman’s journey to sell her virginity. Other books followed, earning five-star reviews and bestselling status. Alanna realized what fun Olivia had writing sexy romances without censor. Olivia writes contemporary erotic romance near a window where the view of the Rocky Mountains beckons her to run naked through the tall foothill grasses. Except when it snows.

  Connect with Olivia online via

  Look for these titles by Olivia Brynn

  Now Available:

  Position Secured

  She’s dead-set against him. He’s dead certain he can change her mind…

  Position Secured

  © 2010 Olivia Brynn

  Marienna Valdez has a cop allergy. Their cocky, superior attitudes never fail to turn her stomach. How fitting that her reward for enduring a perfectly sucky work week is a traffic ticket from one that’s on the kind of overblown power trip she learned to hate when she was growing up surrounded by boys in blue.

  But now she’s finally home, where she prepares to take the edge off with a well-deserved self-love session. Just as she gets settled in with her favorite toys, though, what should come barreling through her bedroom door but…another cop!

  SWAT team sniper Marcus Pearson doesn’t need detective skills to figure out just what he’s interrupted. If he can keep Marienna quiet long enough to resolve the tense situation under her bedroom window, he intends to put down his rifle and take aim at her aversion to the badge…

  Warning: This title contains one sheet-wrapped, cop-and-damsel burrito with toys on the side. Extra batteries included.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Position Secured:

  “Alpha confirm. Subject in custody.” After a moment, he stood, one smooth movement unfolding his body. Mari yanked her hand away from her pussy, almost whimpering at the injustice. She gathered the opening of her robe in two handfuls. He removed the magazine from the rifle, then carefully took the single round from the chamber. His movements showed none of the stress she would expect to see. Each was practiced, smooth and deliberate, as if he trained a deadly weapon on people every day. Perhaps he did. He straightened and scanned the room before looking through the doorway to meet her eyes.

  “Echo three to Alpha base. One witness to debrief. Echo three out.”

  He pulled the headset from his ear, and it dangled off his shoulder. Mari took her first good look at him facing her, and she had those damn visions from her fantasy stuck in her head.

  But the man in her fantasy burned hot and wild, and this guy was cool as a slab of marble and showed just as much emotion. Maybe he was a robot. He was a cop after all. “I’m sorry I had to startle you, ma’am. I appreciate your assistance.” His voice didn’t fluctuate from the deep, even tone.

  Mari nodded. “No one was hurt?”

  “No. A struggle, but no shots fired.” He jerked his chin toward the window. “Seems some pretty shady deals have been going on right outside your bedroom window. Probably while you were in here sleeping…” His gaze swept over the bed and fixed on her vibrator.
br />   Heat flooded her face. Her heart, confused at the roller coaster of emotions, pounded painfully. She pressed her thighs together to quell the need flaring in her heated sex.

  “You said you were in the middle of something?”

  Great. He had a photographic memory. Mari blinked, bringing him back into focus. His smirk might have sent a lesser woman running for cover, but Mari saw the intrigue behind those blue eyes. She didn’t stop to think that it might just be her hormones bouncing around like fireflies in a jar. She folded her arms across her chest, lifted her chin and raised an eyebrow.

  “That’s right. I’d like to get back to my…” she paused meaningfully, “something now, if you don’t mind.”

  He walked toward her. Swaggered would be a better word. He paused at the foot of the bed and, without releasing her from his stare, he reached over and scooped Bob up off the pillows.

  Holy hell. There was no way she misinterpreted that hungry look. The man almost drooled and bared his teeth like a cartoon wolf. Mari blinked again, just in case her imagination and libido were still salsa dancing in her brain.

  Two more steps toward her and he lifted her vibrator to his nose and made a show of smelling the pink silicone. His eyes drifted half closed. She bit her lower lip to stifle the moan.

  “I can’t tell you how sorry I am for interrupting you.” His voice dropped to an intimate pitch, and Mari released the breath she’d been holding. “If there’s any way I can make it up to you…” He stopped once their clothes brushed. The back of her head hit the wall when she lifted her chin to meet his eyes. Heat from his body surrounded her. His musky scent wafted up to her nose, surrounding her. She sucked a deep breath, indulging in that male smell. “I took an oath to protect and…to serve.” His breath fanned her face.